Thursday, 25 May 2017

Shark- By: Veronica

Learning Intention: we are learning to write a report about sharks.
Success Criteria:I am successful when I can write a report about sharks.

Sharks are fish. They are cold blooded.
Sharks eat fish, sting rays, and other sharks. Large sharks eat sea lions and seals, small whales, otters, and sea turtles.
Sharks can be found in oceans. Some can be found in freshwater like lake and rivers.Most sharks give birth to their baby. Some lay eggs. 
Sharks are amazing  fish.

Some sharks are small and some are big. Sharks have tail for swimming, it also have fins for balancing. They have sharp white teeth. Sharks swim by propelling itself through the water using its tail. 

Image result for beautiful sharks

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Whales- By:Veronica

Learning Intention- we are learning to write a report.
Success Criteria- I am successful when I can write a report about whales.

Whales are mammals. Whales live in water.

Whales are large, streamlined aquatic mammals with eyes, a mouth, a blowhole and two flippers and a tail or flukes that are used for swimming.The flukes  moved  up and down motion to accelerate.

Whales can be found in all of the worlds major ocean from the Arctic and Antarctic ocean to the tropical waters in around the center of the equator.

Baleen whales have no teeth. They have comb like fringe, called Baleen, on the upper jaw, which is used to filter plankton, as well as small fish, and crustaceans. They are the largest species of whales. 

There are eight kind of whales. They are  Blue whale, Southern right whales, Sei whales, Humpback whales, Minke whale, Fin whale, Sperm whale.

Whales are the amazing mammals in the world.
Image result for whales

Wednesday, 10 May 2017