Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Queen’s Birthday Weekend

On the weekend I went to my auntie’s house with my sister Maraya.  It was a sunny day.  We played with my cousin.  My auntie’s name is auntie Cinta and my cousin’s name is Mercy.  We played tag outside, around the house.  We ran very fast. 

Then we went inside to eat.  First we said our prayers and then we ate our food.  I ate cereal with milk.  My cousin, my sister and I put strawberries on our cereal.  It tasted like rice bubbles.

After that my aunty took us all to the swimming pools.  I swam with my cousin and my sister. We played splashing our faces.  My cousin swam under the water and she tried to tag my feet. I was ticklish. Later we all went on the playground.  There were lots of things to play on the playground.  I played driving and my cousin and my sister played ball.   I had a brilliant time at the pools.