the holidays my family and I went to Rainbows End to celebrate my cousin’s
birthday. His name is Giovanni. He is at
the same school as me, but he is older.
Giovanni is in Year 8.
auntie, and all of her family, came to pick up my family and I to take us to
Rainbows End. But when she arrived my
family and I were still dressing. My
auntie waited for us to finish dressing.
after we had gotten into my auntie’s car, we put on our seat belts. Then my auntie drove us to Rainbows End.
we got to Rainbows End I went to get the tickets.
first thing I went on was the Racing Cars.
When I pressed the red key, and then the car went. My sister and I raced each other and I beat
her. Everyone watching us knew that I
was being a good driver.
we went to the lady who had given us our tickets. We said goodbye to her and we wished her a good
holiday. Then she said to me that I was
good at driving. I said, “Thank you”. Then she gave me a necklace. It sparkled like diamonds.
that we were both tired so we went to have a little rest. Then it was time to go home. We all had a happy family day having fun at
Rainbows End.